Student Wellbeing

At Salvado Catholic College, we believe that the Pastoral Care and the wellbeing of all students is an essential part of their learning journey.  

The emotional and physical wellbeing of students is pivotal to their success at school, as adolescents, and in their future lives. Physically and emotionally healthy children and young adults are able to deal positively with challenges, experience a sense of connectedness with school and with others, and are able to develop into well-balanced and successful adults.   

College guidelines and practices are respectful of the dignity and rights of all individuals, and provide learning opportunities that are responsive to their unique needs for growth and fulfilment. Wellbeing is not just about more than just surviving, it is about flourishing.

Wellbeing practices at Salvado Catholic College include:  

  • U R STRONG – This program enhances the social-emotional wellbeing of students through explicitly teaching friendship skills. The program is implemented across the College.

  • Zones of Regulation – A systematic, cognitive approach used in each Learning Space that teaches self-regulation strategies for dealing with emotions and managing impulses.

  • Christian Meditation (Maranatha) – Meditation involves coming to a stillness of spirit and a stillness of body. Students across the College regularly participate in Maranatha.

  • Rainbows for Children of Australia (Rainbows Australia)

Students participating in Maranatha

Rainbows Program
Rainbows is a grief and loss program for young people. It aims to assist children and young people to develop resilience and communication skills, and enhances emotional healing for participants. Through participation in Rainbows, children are helped to verbalise their feelings and build a stronger sense of self-esteem. They gather with other children who are facing the same or similar challenges. 

Rainbows is centred on trust, acceptance and sharing in a safe environment. It allows for those who are hurting to understand their feelings and to develop some of the tools required to move forward in helping to deal with their grief and anxiety.