
Thank you for considering becoming part of the Salvado Catholic College community. We accept Enrolment Application Forms at any time for all year levels. However, our major intake years are Kindergarten and Year Seven. Enrolment interviews for Kindergarten and Year 7 take place in Term 2 of the year prior to the student starting school and have been completed for 2025. Interviews for Year 7 in 2026 have commenced and are ongoing.

We have over 900 students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 11 in 2025.

We are accepting and encouraging applications for:
- Kindergarten and Year 7 2026
- Year 8 to Year 11 2025
- Pre-Kindergarten 2025

Please note:
- Due to extended waitlists, we are no longer able to accept applications for Pre-Primary to Year 4 2025

The submission of an Enrolment Application Form registers your interest in having your child considered for enrolment at Salvado Catholic College.

To request an application form, please click the relevant button below:

Please be advised that enrolment in Pre-Kindergarten at a Catholic school does not constitute automatic enrolment for Kindergarten at the College. 
A Primary Application for Kindergarten is required to be submitted if wanting to enrol in Kindergarten.

Note, due to extended waitlists, we are no longer able to accept applications for Primary year groups for 2024 or Pre-Primary to Year 4 in 2025

When submitting the Enrolment Application Forms, all required documentation is to be received in order for the application to be accepted and processed.
There is a non-refundable application fee of $35 per application.


  • Request an Application for Enrolment Form from the website and submit it with all required documentation either at the Front Office or by email to enrolments@salvado.wa.edu.au

  • Enrolment Process During the Year – Primary School and Secondary School (excluding Kindergarten)
    When an application is received, an acknowledgement letter will be emailed to parents/carers. If a position becomes available, an applicant is selected from the current waiting list, as per CEWA’s Enrolment Priorities. Families are then invited for an interview. Interviews are part of the enrolment process and are not an indication that the application has been successful. This process is finalised by the completion of a signed Offer of Acceptance Form and the payment of a $200 deposit. Signature(s) on the above forms are taken as acceptance of college policy, regulations, payment of fees, and parental involvement.

    Enrolment Process – Kindergarten
    When an application is received, an acknowledgement letter will be emailed to parents/carers. Places are offered the year prior to commencement, in Term 2. The Principal offers positions following the CEWA’s Enrolment Criteria. Families who receive an offer are then invited for an interview. This process is finalised by the completion of a signed Offer of Acceptance Form and the payment of a $200 deposit. Signature(s) on the above forms are taken as acceptance of college policy, regulations, payment of fees, and parental involvement.

    Enrolment Process – Year 7
    When an application is received, an acknowledgement letter will be emailed to parents/carers. Places are offered the year prior to commencement, in Term 2 and Term 3. Families who receive an offer are then invited for an interview. This process is finalised by the completion of a signed Offer of Acceptance Form and the payment of a $300 deposit. Signature(s) on the above forms are taken as acceptance of college policy, regulations, payment of fees, and parental involvement.

  • The College accepts applications any time throughout the year and commences the interview process one year prior to enrolment for Kindergarten and Year 7. For Pre-Kindergarten enrolments, the interview process commences the term prior to commencement.

  • Click for the College Fee Schedule for 2025

    College Fees Payment Methods
    Below you will find the relevant information and forms for College Fee Payment Methods.

  • If a year group has no current places available and an application form is submitted, the application is added to the waitlist for the relevant year group. Waitlisted applications are prioritised incorporating Catholic Education WA’s Enrolment Priorities. Click here to view this policy, under Community and Enrolment.

    If a place becomes available and can be offered, you will be contacted by phone. Applications remain on the Waitlist, if no vacancy arises. Another application is not required to be submitted.

  • Yes. This is applied to tuition fees only.

  • The College regularly runs College Tours throughout the year.  Dates of tours are advertised on our website or on our Facebook page, alternatively contact the office to register for the next tour.

  • Catholic enrolments are prioritised as per CEWA’s Enrolment Priorities. If there is a vacancy with no Catholic students on the waitlist, then any denomination will be assessed for interview.

  • Aboriginal Secondary Student Bursary
    Salvado Catholic College is committed to providing the best possible education it can to all students. As a College, we welcome the enrolment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from families seeking a Catholic Education for their children.

    The College is providing an Aboriginal Secondary Student Bursary as part of our commitment to working with Aboriginal people. The College provides numerous opportunities for all students to participate in learning experiences that celebrate Aboriginal culture.

    Year 7 Academic Scholarship
    At Salvado Catholic College, we want to promote excellence and determination in all students and to assist students to progress academically.

    In order to assist with the cost of tuition fees for Year 7, Salvado Catholic College is offering an Academic Scholarship to a Year 7 student who will be enrolled at the College in 2025.

    Visit the Scholarship page under the Enrol heading for more information.

  • If you have any queries about the enrolment process, please contact the Enrolment Officer on (08) 9526 4500 or email enrolments@salvado.wa.edu.au.