About our College
Pre-Kindergarten - Year 11
Salvado Catholic College is a co-educational Catholic College located in Byford, and will have students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 11 in 2025. The College will continue to grow to reach its ultimate capacity as a Pre-K to 12 Catholic College of choice in the area. The staged build of the College has seen the development of innovative and contemporary facilities with a focus on shared, collaborative Learning Spaces that promote 21st century teaching and learning approaches. 2020 saw the commencement of the Secondary Campus of the College with the addition of the Lab and Design Spaces building that includes a state-of-the-art eLearning Centre catering for students from Pre-Kindy to Year 12. Further staged builds will provide additional facilities offering a broad range of curriculum opportunities for students across the College.
The College patron, Dom Rosendo Salvado was an inspirational missionary, Bishop and pioneer settler who founded the community of New Norcia. The College’s motto “Peace, Justice, Compassion” directly reflects Salvado’s life work. As part of the St Francis Xavier Armadale Parish, we work in partnership with our Parish Priest to live our Catholic faith in communion with one another. At Salvado Catholic College we strive to ‘Make Jesus Real’ each day in the way we ‘Greet, Treat and Speak’ to one another. Our students come to know the person of Jesus in a thriving and welcoming Catholic community that actively witnesses to Gospel values.
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Holistic teaching and learning programs provide opportunities for students to explore, create and discover through purposeful and meaningful experiences. We recognise that young children learn best through hands-on experiences and as such educators scaffold and engage children’s learning and ensure that intentional teaching occurs through play and inquiry. Our contemporary Learning Spaces provide Primary students with an environment that encourages and enhances playful learning opportunities to stimulate independence, investigation, collaboration and problem-solving
Students begin their Secondary journey at the College in Year 7. The Middle School years provide our students with the skills and knowledge required to continue their Secondary journey and develop the capabilities needed to help them become self-guided and motivated learners. Throughout the Middle School years students develop positive relationships with a variety of teachers through both curriculum and extra-curricular experiences. The guidance and support provided to students gives them the confidence to start thinking about the pathway they will choose in Year 11 and 12 and helps them focus their thoughts about their future career and employment possibilities.
The integration and utilisation of digital technology devices is a focus across the College to assist in preparing students for the demands of an ever-changing world. Students across the College participate in lessons with a Specialist Teacher for Digital Technologies. With banks of iPads in each Learning Space, as well as robotics and coding devices, all teachers work with students to achieve powerful and relevant learning and teaching outcomes. From Year 4 onwards, students at the College are part of the 1:1 iPad program.
The College has a strong focus on student safety and wellbeing with the CEWA Child Safe Framework and College Code of Conduct guiding our choices, words and actions to ensure that all students can flourish in a safe environment. The College Psychologist and Counsellor assist teachers in supporting students with learning and behavioural needs as well as those with complex mental health issues. The College has a Wellbeing Coordinator who supports teachers in catering for the pastoral needs of students and facilitates the Rainbows program for students in the primary years.
Students also have the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activities including Interschool Sports, College Choir, leadership development and Mini Vinnies, with many more experiences on the horizon as we continue to grow as a community. The College runs an After School Hours Care program before and after school in collaboration with OSHClub. This invaluable service provides out of school hours care for students in the primary years at the College. Our enthusiastic and dedicated staff work in partnership with parents/carers and the wider community to provide rich teaching and learning opportunities that assist all our students to become effective, confident, motivated, collaborative & resilient lifelong learners.
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Our Vision
Our vision for Salvado Catholic College is to promote a welcoming Catholic community where our students come to grow in their relationship in knowing Jesus. We strive to promote excellence and develop…
College Patron
Dom Salvado wrote ‘The 1st March is a memorable day for me for four reasons – It is my birthday, it’s my feast day, it’s my first Mass day and it’s New Norcia’s foundation day’.
Emblem & Motto
The College Motto was developed from descriptions of Salvado’s life and works. The Emblem is the Benedictine Cross, a symbol of Christ at the centre of Salvado Catholic College.
House Patrons
All students at the College belong to one of the four House groups. The College House structure instils in students a sense of belonging, and the unique charism of each House.