Making Jesus Real (MJR)

The Making Jesus Real (MJR) philosophy is at the heart of Salvado Catholic College, enriching the lives of the entire College community and inspiring everyone to think, speak and act like Jesus. MJR brings the Catholic faith to life for students by showing them how to live it every day. 

MJR values are embedded across the College and students are encouraged to recognise, acknowledge and share them both in class and in their homes. The MJR song is sung joyfully at College assemblies, and WEST tokens and SEQTA notifications allow staff to recognise individuals who are Making Jesus Real at school by being Welcoming, Encouraging, saying Sorry and saying Thank you. WESTies are aligned with the College House structure and contribute to the points system in which the House that shows the Spirit of Jesus most readily throughout the school year is acknowledged with an annual shield. 

At Salvado Catholic College we believe that we are genuinely Making Jesus Real in all aspects of daily life of our community.