The Kaadadjiny Hub

The Kaadadjiny Hub, our Library and Technology Hub, is available to students from Pre-K onwards. Kaadadjiny is a Noongar word meaning ‘thinking, learning and understanding’.

The Kaadadjiny Hub provides opportunity for all members of the community to have equitable access to books for pleasurable reading, gathering information, the promotion of literacy, supporting the implementation of the curriculum and maintaining collections that meet the needs of the whole College community. 

By providing students with engaging reading experiences and fostering independent reading skills, this assists students’ literacy development and promotes reading as a pleasurable and educative activity. 

The Kaadadjiny Hub is an inviting, warm and friendly space that provides students with a space to gather to think, learn and understand more and more each day. 

The College also supports parents/carers with readily available resources that they can borrow and that are specific to their needs. These resources address a wide range of issues that are current and relevant, and provide support to parents/carers in fostering the development and wellbeing of their children.